Friday 21 March 2014

The Science to INSTAnt Likes

Disclaimer: Information taken from Australia Vogue website. 
All media in this infographic were also cited from the Australia Vogue website.

Instagram has indeed conquered the lives of a lot of people who have the application in their phone. The best thing that people can get from posting photos of places, their pets, or even themselves, are LIKES. These likes come in hearts, however.

Many people love that sense of achievement of being able to get even at least 20 likes on a photo that they upload into their profiles. The more if these likes aren't even from their own followers. In the infographic posted above, Curalate, a visual analytics and marketing firm, works out what makes and Instagram image a hit.

In making this infographic, it has been taken into account that Instagram has taught people two things. No, they are not hashtags and filters. Rather, it's to be minimalistic, or over-the-top. In this infographic, it can be seen that the minimalistic approach was taken. And, well, maybe some filters.